June 04, 2008

KNN, MCH, CCB...fucking hell

don't die meh like that. it's 10.27pm and still the road downstairs my condominium is still jammed up because of the shell station. constant horns and noise pollution is the way malaysia wanna go towards achieving wawasan 2020. fucking hell man, don't wanna use profanity also cannot. looks like have to wait till it's midnight before this ordeal finishes. even got police ronda come handle the peace. shitman, i wonder whether anyone got hurt in this fucking petrol crisis. if it's like that now, i really worry for the future days to come when everything increases in price due to the transportation cost. what about in august man when the price increases again. might as well as go buy plane ticket and jump aeroplane and work as dish washer overseas better la. might have better future.......KNN, MCH, CCB

petrol hike...electricy hike...gas hike...totally pissed !!!!!!

this is what's happening to every road nearby any petrol station. this are the pictures i just took when coming back home. vehicles everywhere trying to get into and out of the petrol station to grab as much petrol as they can. phew, luckily i managed to get into some for myself too. yeah i know, it's not gonna save much, but something is better than nothing.

petrol in malaysia is gonna be increased from RM 1.92 to RM 2.70 as off 12.00am 5th june 2008. what in the world in happening to our country. it's getting from bad to worse. we are a petroleum producing country and now they say that we have to pay higher and higher prices. yes, their giving us a subsidy when we pay our roadtax but it's still rubbish as by my own personal calculations, i'm still paying more !!!!! My monthly petrol consumption is around RM 500 and now with the 41% hike i'm gonna be paying around RM 705 having a difference of RM 205. multiply that by 12 month it's gonna be RM 2,460.00. As i'm one of those lucky one sitting a car that is below 2,000cc, i'm supposed to get RM 625 as a subsidy when i renew my roadtax which means i'm still paying an extra RM 1,835 which is utter rubbish when other countries who are producing petroleum are enjoying proper petrol prices because their the citizens of that country. what about all the other increase of other needs. higher petrol prices equals higher transportation cost in which will increase higher cost of living. now i have a great idea, why don't they have a law stating that employers have to pay use extra allowance to go to work ? how in the world are we malaysians gonna survive when our salary only increase maybe 3-5% but our cost of living definitely is increased more than that. Electricity is to be increased on the 1st of july 2008, again causing pain to us citizens of malaysia. Gas also !!!

Tell you what, why don't of us use candles to light our homes and ride bicycles in order to save cost. after all that is what their asking us to do. yeah right, malaysia boleh. instead of going forward, we're going backward. now the only fucking problem for me is that i do not know how to ride a bicycle let alone a motorcycle so i wouldn't be able to cut cost on petrol so i guess the government is indeed doing a good deed for me since their so called forcing me to exercise as i'm gonna have to walk to anywhere i wanna go.

totally pissed !!!!!!!!!