July 11, 2008

our law abiding cops......NOT !!!

man, i just saw a news article in The Star Online and i was shocked about this news. This is the excerpt "A policeman has lodged a report against all his colleagues including his superiors allegedly over dissatisfaction on how the monthly bribes from those operating illegal activities was being distributed."

go to http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/7/11/nation/21793315&sec=nation for the full story. man this is tit for tat. i dun get my proper share i rat on you guys and now that you guys are pissed and damn smart about, you go ratting me out about selling scrap from the station to re cycler. i mean what is going on man, is our Malaysia mentality that dumb to bring this out into the media where everyone in the world can laugh at us. oh my beloved country, what has happen to thee...................

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