April 29, 2008

visa blues : final destination

well i'm back home in kuala lumpur and i'm posting this to update you guys on what happened on the so called final leg of my visa blues. well after a iring trip at hatyai, my wife and i were at the dreaded malaysian border again. guess what i went into immigration and presented my marriage certificate and our passports to the officer in charge. guess what, again we were sent to the office before they would allow my wife to enter.what the fuck ??? spouse of citizen man !!! isteri kepada warganegara !!!! oh well in we go to the office and the officer there then looks at my marriage certificate and asks me why i haven't open file in immigration for my wife. jeez i felt like screwing him up as it clearly states that our registration was only 2 weeks ago. he should know that opening file will never be that fast. anyways i explained to him what happened and he sternly tells me to make sure i open file. what a dumbass, of course i wanna open file for my wife in the immigration department so hat she can get a multiple entry long term visa.

people of malaysia, you have spoken in the elections !! opposition parties, you have won many seats and it's time to make sure you do whatever you can to make changes for a better malaysia. after all this ordeal, it really makes me wonder whether i wanna just go to vietnam and stay there my whole entire life. at least they treasure their citizens as well and foreign spouses.

ok dinner time, wife nagging again. du ma noi nhieu wa !!!!

hatyai trip photos

my wife with her mini pineapple. sweet as candy, yes i mean my wife

my wife's favourite meal of the whole day. cheap to feed eh ? nah i'm joking.

thailand spring roll which has a sauce like something that came outta the rear end of a human being. bleeegghhh

me attacking the ice cream cone at mcdonalds

hatyai night view from my hotel room

my buddy night out at the hansa palace ladyboy cabaret show. ticket 350 baht. boob grabbing 300 baht. photo taking tips 100 baht. me taking his photo in the act of bumping that ladyboy's tits......absolutely fucking priceless lol (sorry bro, i just couldn't help it)

April 26, 2008

second day in hatyai

well it;s been a tiring day here in hatyai. went to go for prayers in the morning and to walk around the market in the afternoon. wife went crazy buying fruits (her number 1 diet apart from vegetables, yup i married a rabbit) but nevertheless we had a great time. in the evening we went for the dinner and cabaret show. It's called the Hansa Palace Cabaret and most of the performers are actually not females but transgenders a.k.a akua. anyways we enjoyed the show and now we're back in the hotel having a rest before our nightcap. my posting isn't gonna be a long as the wifi in my hotel room has seized to work again and it's really stupid sitting down in the lobby alone using a damn notebook in hatyai. anyways it's life whn you have work eh. have some great pictures to post but i'm lazy at the moment to edi them clearly for you to watch. will definitely post them onced i'm back in kuala lumpur. toodles for now

April 24, 2008

visa blues : destination hatyai, thailand

well en route to hatyai, thailand to get my wife's visa done and also for an unofficial holiday. i choose to go by bus since it's cheaper than driving and flying wasn't a option for me since i had to get my wife out fast. anyways i bought bus tickets with Konsortium Bus Express as i was fascinated by their snoozer seat and i'm very pleased. each seat is motorized and have ample leg room to sleep in. each seat also has their own entertainment system where you can choose different movies and music to your liking. I found it at a great value for money at only RM 50 per person as the other buses cost RM 45 and the leg room is shit. we setted off at about 11pm and reach the bukit kayu hitam border at around 5am and waited till 6am to get the immigration. ah yes back to immigration, fuck again as just because my wife's a vietnamese, they made me go to the office to get her passport stamped. the officer then asked me many questions about how long i going to thailand, am i really married, where's my marriage certificate while in the midst of talking to many other bus drivers there (very friendly too during working hours and in the office). anyways after about 20 minutes for the officer to finish his morning chats with his peers, my wife's passport was stamped and i had to line up again to get my own passport stamped as the officer refused to stamp for me even when i said please help as the bus is waiting for us a long time. there was no smile, no friendliness or whatsoever. all these unnecessary loss of time even when my wife is leaving the country and not entering it.

Now to many angry eyes in the bus i was finally back and the driver could continue our journey. when i was at the thailand immigration and i would like to really give my two thumbs up to the immigration there. all the officer asks me is the reason for entering thailand and i told him holiday with my wife. ask me for marriage certificate and i produce and then the officer stamped the passport and you know what, he was courtesy, friendly and smilling all the time. he even added please enjoy your stay in thailand. now it seems to me the new thai government and the immigration are really doing their job.

i mean who in the world would want to go to a country where you basically be made feeling uneasy. would that be the best first impression we want to give tourist entering our country ? whilst many immigration officers at klia and lcct have been really courteous and great (in my experience), bukit kayu hitam really has to get their act together.

well i'm finally in hatyai and i'm in a very cozy hotel with wifi services in the rooms. in fact many of the hotels now in hatyai have FREE wifi in their rooms. i will update on that later. in the meantime, som tam here i come !!!!!

April 23, 2008

visa blues part 2 : dejavu

well this morning i went to the immigration and guess what...deja fucking vu. there i go getting all the documents filled in, taking photos and getting all the stamping done and in the end they refused me again. Now this time around i can't exactly blame the immigration altogether to be fair. Let me tell you what happened. From my last post, you will know that i had to get a visa extension for my wife and the immigration refused me but what i didn't tell you was that i did finally managed to get a visa extension (don't ask me how and i shan't tell you any lies). Now when i got the visa extension, the reason for the extension for extending my wife's stay so that she could get registered but the immigration officer that approved my wife's visa stated that the visa extension was for her to arrange documents to leave the country hence not allowing me to extend my wife's visa another time.

Now what i can't understand is why in the world did the darn officer state "making arrangement to leave the country" when the whole stack of documents that he or she has to go read before signing the visa is all related to my marriage registration. in fact, even my visa extension application form states the reason as extension due to marriage registration date. the more i think of it now, i shouldn't be even fair to say it was partly my fault as how should i know how the immigration states it's policies.

well, i guess it's gonna be a trip to thailand for me and my wife since this time around my wife has no choice to leave the country. what a bad time for this to happen as my new online venture is just starting to bloom. anyways i'll be bringing my faithful notebook along with me so i can do my work and also blog about the trip.

my last words on this is "wake the fucking up !! yeah you guys know who you fuckers are !!!

April 22, 2008

visa blues

tomorrow is the day that i have to go renew my wife's visa or she would be an illegal alien in this country. i really wish the immigration department would not make things so hard for us genuine people who marries a foreign spouse. there's so much procedures and hardship placed by the department that really makes it very inconvenient. trust me on this, before you even think of having a relationship with someone of a different country, sit down and think whether you are ready to face what the immigration department puts you thru when you finally wanna settle down and get married.

when you finally wanna tie the knot with your foreign spouse, you're gonna have to make sure all the legal documents are in place and translated to english and also get all the necessary certification. after that you would have to go to the registration of marriage department to submit all your documents as well as getting a date for the registration. now i did mine in putrajaya and i have to say the people working there were great. you will not have any problems with the registration department once you have all the relevant documents ready.

now the problem lies with the immigration department. you see my wife entered malaysia using a social visit pass (so does all other foreigners whether they're on business, pleasure or in my wife's case, coming to get married). now her social visit pass allows her to stay for 30 days before leaving the country. ok here comes the tricky part, in order to submit your documents for registration and to get a date, my wife had to be in the country for at least 7 days and when you do get a date for registration it will be at least 3 weeks ahead from the date you submit your documents. as you can see, definitely my wife's 1 month social visit pass isn't gonna enable her to stay in the country long enough to get registered so we would have to extend her visa. I've checked with the foreign affairs ministry of malaysia and they have confirmed with me that vietnamese nationals are allowed to extend their visa for 1 month if there is valid reason. great, so there i go with my wife and the wedding registration confirmation letter to the immigration department.

guess what ? baamm..they refuse me right away at the counter and says that my wife has to leave the country and come back in again. i told them that the foreign affairs ministry has said that my wife who is a vietnamese national can get her social visit pass extended and i have the proof that we're about to get married but again the officer says no. now i was pissed cause i thought the foreign affairs ministry is the one that governs the immigration department but it seems not. now i have a dilemma of spending more money to send my wife back and come down again. but the ironic part of this is that i met a malaysian guy who is getting married to his indonesian wife and guess what, they just got their visa extension and need not leave the country. now i walked back to the counter and asked them why i couldn't get an extension for my wife when others could and i was told that vietnamese and chinese mainlanders are not given visa extensions due to a lot of overstay and also vice activities. now this is degrading as to me, they have just slammed a big assumption that all vietnamese and chinese mainlanders are here in malaysia to either overstay their visas or act in vice activities. now yes i do know of the problem malaysia is facing with the vice problems and overstay of visas but here i am with my wife who legimately wants to get married and we're being brush aside because of all this shit. Now the big question is how many percent of illegal immigrants in malaysia are indonesians ? are they also involved in vice activities ? (i've read about news in the papers that they have in fact caught indonesian girls in vice activities). now don't get me wrong, i have nothing against the indonesians nor any hatred whatsoever but i strongly feel that there is a case of double standard here. maybe Datuk Syed could really look into this matter when he's free as it really tarnishes the name of malaysia to other countries.

well finally our wedding registration went smooth and accordingly once we have our wedding certificate, my wife would be able to get visa extensions until our file is opened with the immigration department so that she can get a multiple entry long term visa. now again that is what i understand from the immigration department. let's just hope the information is real or i'll be in deep shit.

So much for "malaysia boleh" eh ?

April 21, 2008

fish spa ????

well i guess some of you may have already heard about this fish therapy thing. it started some time a go and i never had the chance to really find out where was one as i didn't really liked the idea of fished chewing on my dead skin. (maybe it's a pirahna phobia) anyways i was at merchant's square today and i saw the sampouton fish spa and hence curiosity caught the better of me and i stopped to snap a photo of the place. i didn't manage to try out their services but i did however managed to get some info about the place. basically form what i understand from the hostess there, the fish (Garra Ruffa) is a tiny freshwater fish from the Kangal District of Turkey which supposed to peel off the dry and dead skins of your body. my fear of the fish eating me was abolished once i had a look at the tiny fish. man, if they made a go for it to bite me, all i have to do is step on them. hahahaha. anyway i had mommy in the car so i had to rush back to her before she started a fit on me leaving her there. i guess one of these days i'll treat myself to some fish spa treatment. anyone gone for this yet ? i would love to know how it went.

p/s sorry i had to get some pictures from the net regarding the place and i couldn't take any pictures inside.

For more info about The Sampouton Fish Spa, visit them at :

The Sampuoton Fish Spa
B-G-23, Merchant Square,
Jalan Tropicana Selatan 1,
47410 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Phone: 03 - 7885 0691

no parking la bradder

i really don't understand what's wrong with people in malaysia nowadays. are they just uneducated or illiterate. this morning i was taking my mom to the hospital for her monthly check up and passed by this lobby area of the football stadium in cheras. cars are parked everywhere where they shouldn't be and there was ample parking spaces with not much cars there. these people rather just park in spaces that is stated to be a no parking zone just because they wanna be lazy and not walk further to and from the car. why do people do such things, it's just like people parking at the handicap areas in the hospital when there's nothing wrong with them. damn, rm 1.00 parking fee isn't gonna burn a damn hole in your pocket but no, these people only think for themselves and do what they wish. no wonder malaysia is going down the drain since our leader is also doing what he pleases. i guess this means it's leadership by example eh ?

it's a brand new day for the brand new week

oh my goodness what did i do today. nothing !!! it was utter rest for me this sunday as i've been having a hectic week. feel very refresh though i can't sleep at the moment. man oh man, why in the world did i sleep so darn early and now my biological clock is screwed up. oh well guess a nightcap will do it. nitez all

April 20, 2008

cafe 2046 @ kuchai maju

just came home after some drinks with my friend at cafe 2046 in kuchai maju. not a bad place for food and drinks and ironically for the concept, the prices are value for money. for rm 10 you can get a huge jug of flavored tea (u know la, those melon jasmine tea and peach jasmine tea). i had the peach jasmine tea and was really struggling to finish it off during my one and a half hours stay there. oh yeah my friend that you see there is the notorious jason who had no troubles finishing his honey jasmine tea being half my size. thing i like about this place is the clientèle here isn't the uneducated people you sometimes get in some of these concept cafes but making the atmosphere great for a nice chat. furthermore it offers free wifi in which a lot of people ae here using but you do still get a bearable speed.

those who are interested in trying the place out, here's the address :

No.13 & 15, Jalan Kuchai Maju 8,
Kuchai Lama, Off Jalan Klang Lama
Kuala Lumpur
Open daily 10am - 12pm
Tel: 603-7983 1380

April 19, 2008

fitness is king !!!

well i just got back from my fitness regime and things doesn't look good as now i'm sweating like a pig and my muscles are aching. i guess in another few days time i will be ok since i haven't been exercising for some time. Man, i'm really heavy right now and i need to slim down asap before my health gets into difficulties. ok gotta take a shower and then g out to buy some groceries for home before my wife jumps on me about it.

i'm back again

after my long long absence from blogging 2 years ago, i'm back to try my hand at it again. well a little bit about myself, i just got registered to my loving vietnamese wife (no i didn't get hitch at a freaking match making agency ok, i was working in vietnam and cambodia the last 2 years) and i'm really feeling great about it. who said married life sucks. well i ain't sure about the future but i guess we'll work it out together. i'm back now in malaysia after my stint overseas and have started selling stuff online. it's an ok buisness and it gets me by. feel free to have a look at my web store http://dozendeals.lelong.com.my

well till later eh......