May 01, 2008

hainanese chicken rice ala fanatico

oh my oh my, yesterday's dinner was cooked by me !! i attempted to cook hainanese chicken rice for the family and alas it went quite well. everyone was happy with it and nobody had to be admitted to the emergency ward. didn't really do anything fancy, just boil the chicken and scald the veggies. oh course chicken rice can't be without that fragrant chicken oil rice hence i did that too. my rice came out a bit flat due to me not wanting to put in too much chicken stock as the chicken i bought didn't have much fat on it. anyways as i said the food came out well and we finished every bit of it except the cabbage cause i overdid the portion. all in all, food is edible and good for my family's standard but i don't think i'm gonna be changing my business to selling chicken rice anytime soon.

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